Healthcare in India is undergoing a tectonic shift with the rise of educated, urban middle-class professionals. Changes in attitudes are clashing with an antiquated system of record-keeping and a paternalistic mindset. The team at Fluent hired C42D to do research, create a company name, develop brand strategy and positioning, and build out the verbal and visual identity and brand messaging for this important emerging audience.
Discovery, interviews, and analysis provided the raw material for our strategy phase. This allowed us to understand the consumers, category, and culture to develop a company positioning and name.
A brand framework, personality and action principles, tone of voice, and brand messages were then created to round out the verbal identity. We defined the brand purpose as ‘fostering an everyday relationship with your health’. Personality traits of trustworthy, empowering, and understanding were defined along with a Motivator brand archetype.
The name Fluent was chosen from our recommended list of trademark pre-screened options. The name Fluent has origins in 16th century Latin, meaning flowing freely. Fluency also means the ability to get inside a culture and speak with authenticity. This contrasts with the slow, halting experience of traditional healthcare. The positioning and name were then validated through qualitative research.
Several themes for the visual identity were developed and presented along with supporting creative and notional examples of the brand in use. Once the final solution was selected, C42D created a 100+ page brand guideline with details on strategy, personality, voice and tone, graphic systems, photography and more to serve as the central source of truth for the brand.